There are a few problems with this.

#1. Cheney thinks we need to torture people to get anything done. This is erroneous, mainly because torturing others only incites them to more violence. Also, if we are going to be the “policeman of the world,” then we have to operate at a higher standard than everyone else in the world–especially primitive third world countries, it should be obvious we should not stoop to their level. It is a good thing that we no longer torture our political prisoners.

#2. Sen McCain wants CIA Director Leon Panetta to retract his remarks Why would this ever be the case? Does Panetta not have freedom of speech just because he disagrees with what Neo-con Cheney has to say? If nothing else, McCain should retract his statement that he wants Panetta to retract his! Ridiculous. This is what got me in an uproar about this whole thing to begin with.

I think it is very strange (…and kind of sad…) that I actually agree with Joe Biden on this subject:

There’s more…

tags: #politico

Published Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 11:04:00 +0000

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