"Old" fQ back up...sort of
I got my web host to get everything back together. I set up the domains and whatnot and now it’s back going again. I say “old” because it is really not all that old. Except for the “archive” part.
These URLs point to “Old” fQ: old.factorq.net oldfq.co.cc oldfactorq.co.cc (not yet active) itsatravesty.com (only active through sometime in August) itsatravesty.co.cc
These URLs still point to this (the main site): factorq.net factorq.co.cc
This will be kind of up and down until I get everything stabilized completely.
Be sure to take note of the poll ———–> and give feedback in the forums, and you know, here as well.
Link to the old forums: iatforums.co.cc itsatravesty.proboard.com
tags: #site info
Published Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 21:16:00 +0000
Original URL | Original guid | PostID= 16
original filename: 14