I’ve put my bike up for sale…the ad/info/pictures are here: [jrob.co.cc/forsale/2005sv650/](http://jrob.co.cc/forsale/2005sv650/" target="_blank). Ideally this will sell so I can use the funds to fix my jeep in a more timely manner. Although I did have a pretty sweet deal worked out for a Dana 60 front and Dana 70u rear, it didn’t really appear that would work out–the front was PSD, and I need DSD (without significantly more work/money). So, it looks like I am going to be going with a Dana 44 front / Ford 9" rear as long as we can work something out with pricing.

Oh, I’m now on the Linux Outlaws Planet! sweet. I forgot to copy my hackergotchi image over after my webhost crashed, so I’ll have to update that.

Along with some help from @psquid I got my AUR package update Bash script working –it can (almost) be run with cron at some regular interval on an Arch system, if they heybuddy version from launchpad > the AUR version, the PKGBUILD file is updated, and the taurball is created and uploaded to the AUR.

To do the uploading, I am currently using aurploader. I am either going to modify this code to get it to work completly scriptable as I want ust fork it entirely. This is the last bit of required human interaction required in this script.

It isn’t a very pretty script, and I really…really don’t know very much bash, but it seems to work like I want it to for something as simple as this is. I will post it up, I think…maybe in my next post, hopefully by then I will have it all worked out!

That’s all I’ve got for now.

tags: #jeep stuff

Tags: #bash #bike #jeep #linux #motorcycle #outlaws

Published Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2010 11:45:23 +0000

Original URL | Original guid | PostID= 405

original filename: 142